Why PyMC-Marketing?#

Open source#

PyMC-Marketing is open source, developed by a team of PyMC Labs researchers and a community of experts. PyMC Labs has deep expertise in building Bayesian models to provide business insights. Pairing that with input from a community with strong applied marketing expertise and experience makes for a winning combination. See Why embrace open source? for more on this.

Independent and unbiased#

We (PyMC Labs) do not have our own advertising channel and we have no vested interests in one media channel over another. So you can be sure that the output of our Media Mix Models are based entirely on what your data (and prior beliefs) tell the models.


PyMC-Marketing is written in Python, an excellent choice to build a data science stack on due to its popularity, existing use in industry, very large community of Python programmers, and suitability to deploying in production.


PyMC-Marketing places an emphasis on modularity and rigour, ensured by a comprehensive suite of software tests.


PyMC-Marketing is fully Bayesian, built on top of PyMC, the popular Bayesian statistical modeling package in Python. PyMC itself is well-established, widely-used, road-tested, and has been a NumFOCUS Sponsored Project since 2016. Read more about Why Bayesian? for more on this.