Gamma-gamma Model#

In this notebook we show how to fit a Gamma-Gamma model in PyMC-Marketing. We compare the results with the lifetimes package (no longer maintained and last meaningful update was July 2020). The model is presented in the paper: Fader, P. S., & Hardie, B. G. (2013). The Gamma-Gamma model of monetary value. February, 2, 1-9.

Prepare Notebook#

import arviz as az
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
from lifetimes import GammaGammaFitter

from pymc_marketing import clv

# Plotting configuration"arviz-darkgrid")
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [10, 6]
plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 100
plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = "white"

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = "retina"

Load Data#

We start by loading the CDNOW dataset.

data_path = ""

summary_with_money_value = pd.read_csv(data_path)

frequency recency T monetary_value
0 2 30.43 38.86 22.35
1 1 1.71 38.86 11.77
2 0 0.00 38.86 0.00
3 0 0.00 38.86 0.00
4 0 0.00 38.86 0.00

For the Gamma-Gamma model, we need to filter out customers who have made only one purchase.

returning_customers_summary = summary_with_money_value.query("frequency > 0")

frequency recency T monetary_value
0 2 30.43 38.86 22.35
1 1 1.71 38.86 11.77
5 7 29.43 38.86 73.74
6 1 5.00 38.86 11.77
8 2 35.71 38.86 25.55

Model Specification#

Here we briefly describe the assumptions and the parametrization of the Gamma-Gamma model from the paper above.

The model of spend per transaction is based on the following three general assumptions:

  • The monetary value of a customer’s given transaction varies randomly around their average transaction value.

  • Average transaction values vary across customers but do not vary over time for any given individual.

  • The distribution of average transaction values across customers is independent of the transaction process.

For a customer with x transactions, let \(z_1, z_2, \ldots, z_x\) denote the value of each transaction. The customer’s observed average transaction value by

\[ \bar{z} = \frac{1}{x} \sum_{i=1}^{x} z_i \]

Now let’s describe the parametrization:

  1. We assume that \(z_i \sim \text{Gamma}(p, ν)\), with \(E(Z_i| p, ν) = \xi = p/ν\).

    – Given the convolution properties of the gamma, it follows that total spend across x transactions is distributed \(\text{Gamma}(px, ν)\).

    – Given the scaling property of the gamma distribution, it follows that \(\bar{z} \sim \text{Gamma}(px, νx)\).

  2. We assume \(ν \sim \text{Gamma}(q, \gamma)\).

We are interested in estimating the parameters \(p\), \(q\) and \(ν\).


The Gamma-Gamma model assumes that there is no relationship between the monetary value and the purchase frequency. We can check this assumption by calculating the correlation between the average spend and the frequency of purchases.

returning_customers_summary[["monetary_value", "frequency"]].corr()
monetary_value frequency
monetary_value 1.000000 0.113884
frequency 0.113884 1.000000

The value of this correlation is close to \(0.11\), which in practice is considered low enough to proceed with the model.

Lifetimes Implementation#

First, we fit the model using the lifetimes package.

ggf = GammaGammaFitter()
<lifetimes.GammaGammaFitter: fitted with 946 subjects, p: 6.25, q: 3.74, v: 15.45>
coef se(coef) lower 95% bound upper 95% bound
p 6.248802 1.189687 3.917016 8.580589
q 3.744588 0.290166 3.175864 4.313313
v 15.447748 4.159994 7.294160 23.601336

Once the model is fitted we can use the following method to compute the conditional expectation of the average profit per transaction for a group of one or more customers.

avg_profit = ggf.conditional_expected_average_profit(
    summary_with_money_value["frequency"], summary_with_money_value["monetary_value"]
0    24.658616
1    18.911480
2    35.171002
3    35.171002
4    35.171002
5    71.462851
6    18.911480
7    35.171002
8    27.282408
9    35.171002
dtype: float64

PyMC Marketing Implementation#

We can use the pre-built PyMC Marketing implementation of the Gamma-Gamma model, which also provides nice plotting and prediction methods:

dataset = pd.DataFrame(
        "customer_id": returning_customers_summary.index,
        "mean_transaction_value": returning_customers_summary["monetary_value"],
        "frequency": returning_customers_summary["frequency"],

We can build the model so that we can see the model specification:

model = clv.GammaGammaModel(data=dataset)
Gamma-Gamma Model (Mean Transactions)
         p ~ HalfFlat()
         q ~ HalfFlat()
         v ~ HalfFlat()
likelihood ~ Potential(f(q, p, v))


It is not necessary to build the model before fitting it. We can fit the model directly.

Using MAP#

To begin with, lets use a numerical optimizer (L-BFGS-B) from scipy.optimize to find the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of the parameters.

idata_map ="map").posterior.to_dataframe()
p q v
chain draw
0 0 6.248787 3.744591 15.447813

These values are very close to the ones obtained by the lifetimes package.


We can also use MCMC to sample from the posterior distribution of the parameters. MCMC is a more robust method than MAP and provides uncertainty estimates for the parameters.

sampler_kwargs = {
    "draws": 2_000,
    "target_accept": 0.9,
    "chains": 4,
    "random_seed": 42,

idata_mcmc =**sampler_kwargs)
    • <xarray.Dataset> Size: 208kB
      Dimensions:  (chain: 4, draw: 2000)
        * chain    (chain) int64 32B 0 1 2 3
        * draw     (draw) int64 16kB 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
      Data variables:
          p        (chain, draw) float64 64kB 5.152 6.6 6.22 ... 6.451 5.998 5.995
          q        (chain, draw) float64 64kB 3.742 3.767 3.896 ... 3.793 4.104 4.133
          v        (chain, draw) float64 64kB 19.88 14.62 16.04 ... 15.13 17.79 18.07
          created_at:                 2024-04-05T07:27:09.778837
          arviz_version:              0.17.1
          inference_library:          pymc
          inference_library_version:  5.11.0
          sampling_time:              36.096750020980835
          tuning_steps:               1000

    • <xarray.Dataset> Size: 992kB
      Dimensions:                (chain: 4, draw: 2000)
        * chain                  (chain) int64 32B 0 1 2 3
        * draw                   (draw) int64 16kB 0 1 2 3 4 ... 1996 1997 1998 1999
      Data variables: (12/17)
          energy_error           (chain, draw) float64 64kB -0.004048 ... 0.01401
          acceptance_rate        (chain, draw) float64 64kB 1.0 0.9969 ... 0.9936
          step_size_bar          (chain, draw) float64 64kB 0.07411 ... 0.08088
          perf_counter_start     (chain, draw) float64 64kB 1.84e+04 ... 1.841e+04
          smallest_eigval        (chain, draw) float64 64kB nan nan nan ... nan nan
          process_time_diff      (chain, draw) float64 64kB 0.000842 ... 0.003041
          ...                     ...
          n_steps                (chain, draw) float64 64kB 3.0 51.0 ... 79.0 15.0
          reached_max_treedepth  (chain, draw) bool 8kB False False ... False False
          tree_depth             (chain, draw) int64 64kB 2 6 5 4 5 6 ... 1 2 4 5 7 4
          lp                     (chain, draw) float64 64kB -4.053e+03 ... -4.051e+03
          largest_eigval         (chain, draw) float64 64kB nan nan nan ... nan nan
          step_size              (chain, draw) float64 64kB 0.05936 0.05936 ... 0.0734
          created_at:                 2024-04-05T07:27:09.804289
          arviz_version:              0.17.1
          inference_library:          pymc
          inference_library_version:  5.11.0
          sampling_time:              36.096750020980835
          tuning_steps:               1000

    • <xarray.Dataset> Size: 30kB
      Dimensions:                 (index: 946)
        * index                   (index) int64 8kB 0 1 5 6 8 ... 2348 2349 2353 2355
      Data variables:
          customer_id             (index) int64 8kB 0 1 5 6 8 ... 2348 2349 2353 2355
          mean_transaction_value  (index) float64 8kB 22.35 11.77 ... 44.93 33.32
          frequency               (index) int64 8kB 2 1 7 1 2 5 10 1 ... 1 2 7 1 2 5 4

We can see some statistics of the posterior distribution of the parameters.

mean sd hdi_3% hdi_97% mcse_mean mcse_sd ess_bulk ess_tail r_hat
p 6.351 1.333 4.142 8.819 0.034 0.024 1625.0 1973.0 1.0
q 3.796 0.298 3.249 4.359 0.007 0.005 1850.0 2160.0 1.0
v 16.311 4.428 8.575 24.606 0.111 0.079 1565.0 1947.0 1.0

Let’s visualize the posterior distributions and the rank plot:

axes = az.plot_trace(
    backend_kwargs={"figsize": (12, 9), "layout": "constrained"},
plt.gcf().suptitle("Gamma-Gamma Model Trace", fontsize=18, fontweight="bold");

We can compare the results with the ones obtained by the lifetimes package and the MAP estimation.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(
    nrows=3, ncols=1, figsize=(12, 10), sharex=False, sharey=False, layout="constrained"

for i, var_name in enumerate(["p", "q", "v"]):
    ax = axes[i]
        x=ggf.summary["lower 95% bound"][var_name],
        label="lifetimes 95% CI",
        x=ggf.summary["upper 95% bound"][var_name],
    ax.axvline(x=idata_map[var_name].item(), color="C2", linestyle="-.", label="MAP")
    ax.legend(loc="upper right")

plt.gcf().suptitle("Gamma-Gamma Model Parameters", fontsize=18, fontweight="bold");

We see that the lifetimes and MAP estimates are essentially the same. Both of them are close to the mean of the posterior distribution obtained by MCMC.

Expected Customer Spend#

Once we have the posterior distribution of the parameters, we can use the expected_average_profit method to compute the conditional expectation of the average profit per transaction for a group of one or more customers.

expected_spend = model.expected_customer_spend(

Let’s see how it looks for a subset of customers.

az.summary(expected_spend.isel(customer_id=range(10)), kind="stats")
mean sd hdi_3% hdi_97%
x[0] 24.733 0.528 23.779 25.706
x[1] 19.064 1.351 16.490 21.478
x[2] 35.188 0.931 33.546 37.002
x[3] 35.188 0.931 33.546 37.002
x[4] 35.188 0.931 33.546 37.002
x[5] 71.350 0.628 70.233 72.528
x[6] 19.064 1.351 16.490 21.478
x[7] 35.188 0.931 33.546 37.002
x[8] 27.337 0.405 26.606 28.091
x[9] 35.188 0.931 33.546 37.002
ax, *_ = az.plot_forest(
    data=expected_spend.isel(customer_id=(range(10))), combined=True, figsize=(8, 7)
ax.set(xlabel="Expected Spend (10 Customers)", ylabel="Customer ID")
ax.set_title("Expected Spend", fontsize=18, fontweight="bold");

Finally, lets look at some statistics and the distribution for the whole dataset.

az.summary(expected_spend.mean("customer_id"), kind="stats")
mean sd hdi_3% hdi_97%
x 35.263 0.634 34.145 36.489
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
az.plot_dist(expected_spend.mean("customer_id"), label="Mean over Customer ID", ax=ax)
ax.axvline(x=expected_spend.mean(), color="black", ls="--", label="Overall Mean")
ax.legend(loc="upper right")
ax.set(xlabel="Expected Spend", ylabel="Density")
ax.set_title("Expected Spend", fontsize=18, fontweight="bold");
%load_ext watermark
%watermark -n -u -v -iv -w -p pymc,pytensor
Last updated: Fri Apr 05 2024

Python implementation: CPython
Python version       : 3.11.8
IPython version      : 8.22.2

pymc    : 5.11.0
pytensor: 2.18.6

pandas        : 2.2.1
pymc_marketing: 0.4.2
matplotlib    : 3.8.3
arviz         : 0.17.1

Watermark: 2.4.3